Superannuation Fund

What is superannuation?

Superannuation is an effective way to save money, as it is a kind of retirement fund where your employer has to put money on your behalf.


How does it work?

If you are paid at least AU$ 450 in a calendar month, your employer has to pay a minimum of 10% of your earnings for your ordinary hours of work into your superannuation account (Superannuation Fund Number - SFN).

Find out up to date information about Superannuation at


How can I use money from my superannuation fund?

You can receive your superannuation payment only after you leave Australia permanently and your visa is expired or cancelled.
As the procedure of application for your superannuation is quite complicated, we strongly advise starting with the procedure when you are already in Australia where you can get the help of our team specialist. Most of the times you get the super company provider that your first employer works with.


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